Selwyn Business Survey results, and Infometrics reports
Link to Infometrics quarterly reportLink to Infometrics community profile for Selwyn

Aerial view of Selwyn

Latest Census and Infometrics Data

May 2024

The latest Census data confirms Selwyn district as outpacing all other territorial authorities in New Zealand, solidifying its position as the country's fastest-growing district.

Over the past five years, Selwyn’s resident population has grown from 60,561 in 2018 to 78,144 in 2023, marking an impressive 29% increase according to the 2023 Census data released this week.

The growth continues to be matched with a resilient economy in the face of economic headwinds. Recent infometrics figures also shows the district’s economy matched national growth in the year to March 2024, growing 0.2%. Among other medium-sized districts, only the Waikato District experienced faster growth (+1.6%).

Employment of Selwyn residents grew by 6.1% while consumer spending grew by 12.5% compared to the national average of 2.3%, indicating robust job market dynamics and a resilient local economy.

To read more about the latest Census and Infometrics findings please click below.

The Selwyn Business Survey is a biannual pulse check of Selwyn Businesses undertaken in February and August. It provides a barometer measure of how businesses are doing in Selwyn, and their outlook for the next six months.

The survey covers topics such as employment and investment trends, recent business conditions, what the future holds and emerging business opportunities.

View the results of the February 2024 Business Survey:

Read our media releases:

Previous Business Survey Results

August 2023

View the results of the August Business Survey:

February 2023

View the results of the February Business Survey:

August 2022

View the August results of the Business Survey:

February 2022

View the Business Survey Report [PDF, 7859 KB] or the Summary Report [PDF, 42 KB].

August 2021

View the Selwyn Business opinion survey [PDF, 966 KB]

Economic Profile

The information at the linked buttons below, provided by economic analyst firm Infometrics, gives an in-depth description of the our district’s economic structure and performance, and a profile of our community based on census data for Selwyn. The economic profile site offers the ability to drill down into various towns and areas within our district. You can also compare our district’s data against the whole of the country and other regions.

Relevant documents include the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy and the Community Development/Economic Development:Activity Management Plan - 2012/2022 [PDF, 84 KB].

The district's economic base is centred on our natural advantages of land and water. The Food and Beverage sector (agriculture) contributes nearly 30% to our annual GDP and creates almost one third of the jobs. The Visitor sector is growing, with six ski-fields, nationally significant gardens and wetlands, unique bouldering and adventure biking, and award-winning aromatic wines.

The Selwyn District Council has a business friendly approach and welcomes new businesses investing in the District.