Road with cars ad township and rural landscapes in backgroundA vision for the Future of Selwyn is being finalised following public feedback.

The Council has completed deliberations on the draft of Waikirikiri Ki Tua Future Selwyn– which sets a vision for the future of the district.

It is now working on shaping the final version using that feedback, with a view to adopting the strategy in late October.

Mayor Sam Broughton thanked the 112 submitters and 19 people and organisations who spoke at the public hearings along with the many thousands of people who viewed the draft of Waikirikiri Ki Tua Future Selwyn online at over the five weeks of public consultation.

Town boundaries, protecting rural land and a demand for more walking and cycling options were strong themes through the submissions. There was widespread support for curbing urban sprawl, with a range of views on how intensification should be managed.

The outcomes and directions from the strategy will guide how the Council prioritises its work programme and this feedback is hugely valuable to helping shape the final strategy, Mayor Sam Broughton says.

“It was good to hear from a wide range of people with diverse views and interests who are passionate about the future of the district,” Mayor Broughton says.  
“While people overall supported the strategy there are areas where people wanted adjustments and we will be finalising those in the coming weeks.”

Once Waikirikiri Ki Tua Future Selwyn is adopted the focus will shift to developing Area Plans which plan out how that vision works for specific towns and areas in the long term.

“Over summer, we’ll be getting out around the community, looking to hear from you about what you like about your town, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see more of. We have heard from people that this is something they are keen to be involved in. It’s an exciting time for people to really think about and shape the vision for their town and work on building that future together,” Mayor Broughton says.

You can read the feedback we received through the submissions and hearings on the Council website at

Last modified: 17 Sep 2024 12:29pm