Photo of Rolleston town from above

Which parts of Rolleston have the most trees and shade? Where are the greatest numbers of bird species to be found? Who’s got the best views? And who lives closest to green spaces? Ten new maps of ecosystem services are now available online to answer these questions.

The Selwyn District Council and Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research have teamed up to map ecosystem services – the benefits provided by nature for humans – across Rolleston, as part of a broader research programme to support the future management of Selwyn’s blue-green network of waterways and parks.

The modelling will support future work by both the Greater Christchurch Partnership and the Council through Waikirikiri Ki Tua Future Selwyn, its 50-100 year strategic direction for the future of the district.

The Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan, which the Council adopted in March, includes directions and actions the partners have agreed to take to protect and develop the Greater Christchurch blue-green network – which Rolleston is a part of – Council Executive Director Development and Growth Robert Love says.

“Ecosystems have a huge impact on our health and well-being. When we understand the blue-green network we can make better, more informed decisions to improve the network and the benefits from nature and ecosystems, ultimately improving our health and well-being.”

Council staff worked closely with Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research to model the ecosystem services and develop the 10 maps. Manaaki Whenua’s modelling contribution was funded through their Strategic Science Investment Fund, which is funding provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

The Council is also working on developing a broader understanding of the blue-green network across Waikirikiri Selwyn to inform the development of Area Plans and a Blue-Green Network Plan to put into action the strategic direction from Waikirikiri Ki Tua Future Selwyn.

The ten maps are:

  • Capacity of ecosystems to soak up rainwater
  • Carbon stock in tree biomass
  • Removal of air pollution by ecosystems
  • Soil erosion prevention
  • Shade provision by trees
  • Ultraviolet protection by trees
  • Viewshed (how far views extend from any point)
  • Number of bird species likely to be seen
  • Distance to a large area of green space
  • Distance to any type of green space

You can access the maps and more information using an online viewer here: Rolleston Ecosystem Services Case Study (

Last modified: 23 Sep 2024 10:07am