Resource Consent Pre-application Service

We offer pre-application advice for land use and subdivision proposals. It may be beneficial for you to discuss your proposal with us before applying for a resource consent. Before submitting a request for a pre-application meeting, we encourage you to contact our Duty Planner on (03) 347 2800 or 0800 735 996 or emailing in the first instance for general advice about the District Plan, the resource consent process and to check whether a pre-application meeting would be necessary.

Using our pre-application service will help ensure your application includes all the relevant information so we can process it efficiently.

Relevant matters for discussion at a pre-application meeting can include:

  • Initial concepts
  • District Plan provisions and Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) processes
  • Information requirements for lodging an application
  • Specialist technical and servicing issues

We are happy to discuss either initial concepts or more detailed proposals, noting that the extent to which your project plans are advanced will influence the level of advice able to be provided.

If you are going to request a pre-application meeting, we recommend that you engage a planning consultant to help identify or narrow down the key issues for discussion.

The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to discuss the proposal, the rules generally applicable and matters that will need to be addressed in the application.  This service is provided to assist the applicant in preparing their application.  Please note that pre-application advice is not binding and does not pre-empt the outcome of the resource consent process.  We cannot advise if the final planning recommendation will be to approve consent or if your resource consent application will be granted.  We also cannot confirm if there will be affected parties and/or if the application will be notified.  Once an application has been lodged, a more detailed assessment will need to be carried out.

Advice can be provided via an online meeting or an in-person meeting.

Charges for our Resource Consent Pre-application Service

The first hour of our pre-application service is free. Please note that tasks such as preparing or reviewing relevant information, preliminary meetings, emails, or phone calls, as well as administrative tasks will be included in this time. After the first hour of work, we will charge for this service, and you will be sent an invoice.

Request a Resource Consent Pre-application Meeting

Please follow these steps to request a resource consent pre-application meeting:

  1. Fill in the Resource Consent Pre-application Advice Request form, including:
    • Details of issues to be discussed, e.g., traffic, urban design, servicing, etc.
    • Whether you would prefer an online meeting or an in-person meeting
    • Any professional advisors/consultants (e.g., a planning consultant, traffic engineer, etc.) you’ll be bringing to the meeting
    • Documents, e.g., concept or detailed plans.
  2. Email the completed form and supporting information to
  3. We’ll contact you within 2-4 working days from the date of submitting your request to arrange a suitable time for the meeting.
  4. For online meetings we will send you a web link to Microsoft Teams (which can be used even if you do not have Microsoft Teams yourself).