The Selwyn District continues to experience a period of significant growth, a trend that has led to a sustained high volume of resource consent applications. The Council is committed to processing these applications within statutory timeframes.  To facilitate a more streamlined consenting process, we would like to offer a new service, '5 Waters Infrastructure Servicing Certificates’.

For more than three unit multi-unit development in the residential, commercial/mixed use or industrial zones, where it is sought that these developments connect to or undertake works to water, wastewater, stormwater, water race or land drainage services, a '5 Waters Infrastructure Servicing Certificate’ must be obtained and provided with the Engineering Acceptance application made prior to building or resource consent application.  The Servicing Certificate will confirm that there is adequate capacity for your proposal.

It is recommended that a 5 Waters Infrastructure Servicing Certificate is also sought for any subdivision. If obtained, it should be lodged with the subdivision application.

The Infrastructure Servicing Certificate issued will be valid for 6 months from the date of issue.

This process will provide:

  • Formal servicing advice as part of due diligent stage of a project,
  • Early identification of servicing constraints (don’t need to wait for RC RFI process),
  • Approval of multiple Points of Discharge per premise in relation to Council Bylaws
  • Streamlined Resource Consent process in terms of 5 Waters servicing assessment
  • Servicing Assessments will fold into the PIM process if required

Fee Structure: Please note that our billing is conducted on an hourly basis. The current engineering rates, as outlined in our Annual Plan, stand at $180 per hour (this will change from 1 July to $190 Engineer or $210 Senior Engineer).  For complex applications or tasks that are estimated to exceed 5 hours of our engineer’s time, or require hydraulic modelling, we will provide you with a specific fee estimate and agree this before work is undertaken. We remain committed to transparency and efficiency in our billing practices.

Timeframes: Please be assured that we prioritise all requests and strive for efficiency in our processes. Our goal is to respond to your request within a timeframe of 15 business days.

Information to be submitted: To submit your application please use this link

Your applications must include a ‘servicing report’ which includes the following information:

  • Assessment of network(s) the development requires connections to: drinking water, wastewater and stormwater. Any proposed changes to the water race or land drainage network.
  • Concept plan showing existing water, wastewater, stormwater, water race and land drainage services (as applicable) to the application. This plan will include each required point of connection to Councils network and any extensions of Council’s network necessary to service the proposed development.
  • Demand calculations including average and peak flowrates as are applicable to the networks to be connected. Details of any proposed wet industry.
  • How your proposal will align with the engineering code of practice.