For more than three unit multi-unit development in the residential, commercial/mixed use or industrial zones, where it is sought that these developments connect to or undertake works to water, wastewater, stormwater, water race or land drainage services, a '5 Waters Infrastructure Servicing Certificate’ must be obtained and provided with the Engineering Acceptance application made prior to building or resource consent application.  The Servicing Certificate will confirm that there is adequate capacity for your proposal.

It is recommended that a 5 Waters Infrastructure Servicing Certificate is also sought for any subdivision. If obtained, it should be lodged with the subdivision application.

Applicants must provide an Infrastructure Servicing Assessment as part of their application that outlines how they propose to service their development.

Selwyn District Council’s Asset Management Team will confirm network capacity via the Servicing Certificate.  Servicing Applications submitted using the form below will be automatically sent to

We will aim to respond to your request in 15 working days.

The Infrastructure Servicing Certificate issued will be valid for 6 months from the date of issue.

Property Location
Proposed development:

Details of Proposal

Please provide: Assessment of the network that the development requires connection to. Demand calculation including average and peak flow rates including details of any wet industry Any proposed changes to existing waterways. Any deviations to the engineering code of practice, bylaw or policies.

Details of Proposal & Network Assessment:
In submitting this application, I agree to pay the engineering costs to assess this application.  Current engineering rates are set out in the Annual Plan * For complex applications exceeding 5 hours, or applications requiring hydraulic modelling, a cost estimate will be provided in advance.
