Prior to any work commencing onsite, the Consent Holder or their Agent is required to arrange a pre-start meeting with the Development Engineer and/or Development Landscape Advisor. This can be arranged by calling Council on (03) 347 2800.

The Development Engineer ( and/or Development Landscape Advisor ( are to be informed of the commencement date and programme of works.

Below is a list of the common required hold point inspections of physical works. Council reserves the right to complete other inspections as deemed necessary dependent on the specific works being completed. A minimum of two working days’ notice is required to book a hold point Inspection.


  • Prior to backfilling. In weak ground conditions and/or where a high-water table is present a subgrade inspection may be required along with the observation of testing as deemed necessary.
  • Prior to any manhole Corbels being poured. Inspections of Corbels can be at Council’s discretion.
  • Pressure testing of mains. Testing needs to be witnessed by an independent. Engineers will be given first right of refusal; however, Council Representatives can be available to witness.
  • Grass strike of swales and basins. Grass strike should be established on swales and basins prior to s224 where practical. If grass strike has not been established hydroseeding must be in place. This inspection may be undertaken as part of the s224 sign off process.
  • Practical Completion. To allow inspection of all completed works. This will be undertaken prior to receiving s224 sign off.
  • Defects Liability.Not less than 12 months after receiving practical completion for drainage reticulation and 24 months for stormwater management areas and pumpstations a final inspection is required to signify the end of the Defects Liability period, confirm Council’s acceptance of the asset, and release the Maintenance bond.


  • Prior to sub-base placement. To allow an inspection of the subgrade to be undertaken at Council’s discretion.
  • Prior to sealing of carriageways or footpaths. To allow inspection of the basecourse surface.
  • After sealing of carriageways, access ways or footpaths. This Inspection may be undertaken as part of the s224 sign off process.
  • Practical Completion. To allow inspection of all completed works. This will be undertaken prior to receiving s224 sign off.
  • Defects Liability. Not less than 12 months after receiving practical completion for roading assets a final inspection is required to signify the end of the Defects Liability period, confirm Council’s acceptance of the asset, and release the Maintenance bond.


  • Prior to back filling of any water mains.
  • Pressure testing of mains. Pressure tests must be undertaken by a qualified and experienced person and independently witnessed. Engineers have first right of refusal; however, a Council Representative can be available to witness.
  • Chlorination of mains. Chlorination must be undertaken by a qualified and experienced person within the guidelines of SDC Standard Operating Procedure WSP005.
  • Practical Completion. To allow inspection of all completed works. This will be undertaken prior to receiving s224 sign off.
  • Defects Liability. Not less than 12 months after receiving practical completion for water reticulation a final inspection is required to signify the end of the Defects Liability period, confirm Council’s acceptance of the asset, and release the Maintenance bond.


  • Prior to installation. All trees to be vested need to meet SDC specifications at procurement and must be inspected by a Council Representative prior to installation.
  • Tree Pits prior to planting and backfill.
  • Reserves Inspection before sowing grass to ensure soil is stone free and appropriately levelled.
  • Practical Completion. To allow inspection of all completed works. This will be undertaken prior to receiving s224 sign off.
  • Mid-point inspection. Inspection to be undertaken 12 months after receiving practical completion.
  • Defects Liability. Not less than 24 months after receiving practical completion for Landscaping a final inspection is required to signify the end of the Defects Liability period, confirm Council’s acceptance of the asset, and release the Maintenance bond.

Please note that any works required by Engineering Approval that is not completed as part of the s224 sign off will require an uncompleted works bond to be lodged in accordance with SDC’s Policy S406 – Bonding Policy for Subdivision Works and Large Projects. Any works covered by an Uncompleted Works Bond will still be required to undergo a Defects Liability Period as prescribed above and have a final inspection prior to Council issuing acceptance of the vested assets.

Practical Completion will not be issued until all quality assurance documentation as prescribed by the Engineering Code of Practice has been received, reviewed, and accepted by the Development Engineer and/or the Development Landscape Advisor.

For further information, please contact the Development Engineering Team at with any landscaping enquiries to be sent to