Expressions of Interest (EOI) to be a member of the Whata Rau Community Reference Group (Reference Group) open on Tuesday 3 September 2024 at 10am and close on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 5pm.

Membership of the Reference Group will be announced in the week of 7 October 2024.

Applicants should note that participation in the Reference Group is voluntary, and members will not receive any financial compensation from Selwyn Council in relation to this Reference Group role apart from the Chair, who will be expected to attend in his role as Councillor.

Meeting times / days: Given membership of this Reference Group is voluntary, every effort will be made to schedule meeting times / days at times / days suitable to members.

While the frequency of meetings may change there is expected to be not less than one meeting a month for the duration and not more than one meeting each fortnight.

By adhering to these criteria and obtaining endorsements, the reference group can ensure that it represents a diverse range of community perspectives and is well-equipped to contribute to the successful design of this community building project.

Assessment criteria

Selection of the members of the Reference Group will be made following consideration of the following criteria. Information in relation to the criteria should be provided in the application:

  1. Active Involvement in Ellesmere: Members must be actively involved in the Ellesmere community, either through paid employment, volunteer work, or regular participation in community activities.
  2. Residence or Connection: While not required to live within Leeston, members must have a strong connection to the Ellesmere community or be able to demonstrate a significant relationship with the area through work, residence, or regular participation in local activity.
  3. Endorsement: Each potential member must be endorsed by two individuals who are actively involved in the Ellesmere community. These endorsements should confirm the potential member's involvement and their ability to represent community perspectives.
  4. Time Commitment: Members should be willing to dedicate a reasonable amount of time to attending meetings, participating in discussions, and providing feedback in an unpaid capacity.

By adhering to these criteria and obtaining endorsements, the reference group can ensure that it represents a diverse range of community perspectives and is well-equipped to contribute to the successful design of this community building project.

Application Form

All form fields are 'required' unless indicated. If you prefer, you can download a paper copy of the form.

Name of potential member:

Email address:

Phone number:

Active involvement in Ellesmere:

Resident or Connection to the Ellesmere community:

Time commitment and availability:

Why are you interested in joining the Reference Group?

Other supporting information (optional):

Endorsement of applicant: Each potential member must be endorsed by two individuals who are actively involved in the Ellesmere community. These endorsements should confirm the potential member's involvement and their ability to represent community perspectives.

You will need to upload a copy of the endorsement form, which has been signed by two individuals. To download a copy of the form, click here.