Terms and Conditions

Pay your rates and water via direct debit

Request to pay your rates via direct debit:

Land rates can be paidweekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly.

Water rates will be deducted on the due date shown on the invoice.

Things you need to know

Accounts requiring two signatures

If more than one signature is required for your account authorisation you will need to use the hard copy form.

If only one signature is required for your account authorisation you can set up a direct debit using the online form below, or you can download and complete the hard copy form.

How to cancel or stop an existing direct debit

If you wish to cancel or stop existing direct debit arrangements that you have with the Selwyn District Council, please contact the Council. You can also contact your bank directly, but you need to advise the Council so we know to stop making payment requests to your bank.

Reinstating a previously cancelled direct debit authority

If you would like to reinstate a direct debit within nine months of cancelling a previous authority, please download and complete the form. We are unable to accept another electronic request within the bank’s security standdown period.

Please make sure you review the terms and conditions below:

Terms and Conditions

PDF Direct Debit Form

Decorative photo

Request Type
Type of request * Please select one
Water/Land/Both *

Property Details
Would you like to receive rates invoices by email?
Not required for monthly or quarterly
Only enter if Monthly
Only enter if Quarterly
For weekly and fortnightly only.

Personal Details
(if different from property address)

Payment Information
Please do not add spaces or hyphens

For rates- your bank statement will show SDC with your property valuation number
For water- your bank statement will show SDC with your water account number

Authority Information
I agree that this authority is subject to: *

I authorise the bank to debit my account with the amounts of direct debits from Selwyn District Council (initiator) with the authorisation code 0304862 (approval 0486 05/2024) in accordance with this authority until further notice and confirm.